We’re buckling down for winter – a season that will be filled with field work, public outreach and many community science wolverine observations, we hope! Over the last month, we iced wolverine tracks into the Winthrop Ice Rink, installed a couple of higher-elevation monitoring stations that will run all winter long, and planned our winter schedule. We’ve also been running our fall fundraiser and are halfway to the finish line of $15,000. If you have thought about supporting the project with a donation, now is a great time.
Thanks to the incredible generosity of our matching donors Kevin and Cassandre McGowan, up to $5,000 will be doubled to support Cascade Wolverine Project’s monitoring, community science and storytelling. Help us meet our goal and support this winter’s work today!

In the high country, the snowpack is once again stacking up! While you’re dusting off your snowshoes, scraping your skis or untarping your snowmobile, consider brushing up on your wolverine track identification too! Recreationists are the main source of our community wolverine observations and winter is a very special season to encounter wolverine tracks. Refresh your track knowledge with our Quick Track ID guide.

Finally, here are just a few of those amazing animals that call the North Cascades home, as captured by game cameras during our 2023 monitoring season. These images were coded by our incredible volunteer photo-taggers Jan Sodt, Alyssa Lovell and Nick Holden.