Begins and ends at 10am
Artist Claire Waichler has produced a beautiful piece of original artwork to bid on, and she is graciously donating the proceeds to wolverine conservation! Please visit the auction link for details. Check out Claire’s video introduction of Wolverine Scroll:
Artist Statement:
Tracking the wolverine is a window into awareness of the entire ecosystem. Hiking across a high pass in the North Cascades in the summer of 2020, I saw a set of winding tracks in the sun cupped snow. Bending down, I could begin to identify them and traces of many other living things. Even at the crown of the Cascades, my experience is mingled with insects, birds, mammals, plants and rock. In the alpine, I’m aware that recreation and climate change affect wolverines and many of their neighbors. Following gulo-gulo through her denning season exposes complex connections between humans, the environment, and the behavior of alpine wildlife. Through printmaking and collage, I uncover this story as it plays out upon an alpine backdrop of snow, ice, whitebark pine and skagit gneiss. – Claire Waichler